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with Pastor Patrice D'Evans 
All are welcome
Full Services and Sermons are posted on the
YouTube Channel
@J.O.Y. Party TV with Patrice D'Evans
Click On Video Below

J.O.Y. (Jesus Overcame For You) Celebration Church 

  • We are a non-denominational church.  Our main goal is to SAVE, SANCTIFY and SERVE.


  • We believe in God the Father, Son Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit as God three in one.


  • We believe in the full bible and we do not take away or add to it. 


  • We believe that at the moment of asking Jesus into your heart as your Lord and Savior you are saved from your sins, filled with God The Holy Spirit and you will be saved from being sent by God to hell but instead you will be welcomed to live forever in heaven with God. 


  • We are a performance arts-based (song and dance) worship-based church focusing on healing and sharing the gospel for salvation in Jesus Christ. 

All are welcome!

Our heart is to serve and help young adults (college-aged, 18 -32) with

love and life healing and godly wisdom and guidance.


About Pastor Patrice D'Evans

Pastor Patrice D'Evans, born and raised in New York City, Washington Heights, is a Pastor and Christian evangelist known as "The Minister of Joy." She is also a Heyoka Empath (born as the rarest, highest-level empath and healer).


Pastor Patrice is a multi-faceted, talented, and spiritually gifted woman. She is a professional dancer, SAG-AFTRA actress, singer, producer, author, YouTube content Creator, certified high school Spanish Language teacher/administrator, and kingdom spouse matchmaker/relationship coach. She uses these credentials, gifts, and talents to heal people and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. She also coaches and speaks as an empathic leadership & communications expert to glorify the Kingdom of God.


Story of how Pastor Patrice became a pastor


Pastor Patrice D’Evans is a healer, has the gifts of wisdom and discernment, prophetic gifts and she hears from God regularly. She has been saved since she was fifteen years old sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ and living in an obedient state (Walking in the Spirit), for God for over 20 years.  Her calling from God started in 2009 with her fitness company, Saka Dance Fitness (turned Saka Core Fitness).  Then she was led to create her dance fitness DVD finally.  (And live classes followed). It was evident very early on that Saka was no ordinary fitness class. Not only was it changing women's and children’s lives physically making them fit, but Pastor Patrice was healing them body, mind and spirit.  God used her to transform lives, holistically, while also sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.


“This is my church”, is what Terry G. would say about Saka class. So, Pastor Patrice turned Saka into a non-profit to also help women who were affected by narcissistic abuse.  (She coached hundreds of women and men.)  Then in 2018, Pastor Patrice, was led by God to put Saka online and begin a signature belly dance elegant style performance. In the summer of 2023, God later asked Pastor Patrice to use that dance style to serenade and preach in an event from Saka, Jesus Revival In The Park.  Soon after that event God called Pastor Patrice to preach and pastor His church.  As usual, Pastor Patrice obeyed everything God asked her to do in faith and without question.


Pastor Patrice has two YouTube channels: Patrice D'Evans with over 11,300 subscribers. She focuses on Christian Matchmaking and kingdom spouse relationship coaching advice for young Christian single (18 - 31) men and women looking for a Christian spouse. And her second YouTube channel is J.O.Y. Party TV with Patrice D'Evans. and it is her performing arts-based evangelical ministry.  Pastor Patrice also posts full services and sermons for everyone from J.O.Y. Celebration Church.


Pastor Patrice coined J.O.Y. (Jesus Overcame for You) led by the Lord. She has been called by God to start His ministry since 2016 online on her J.O.Y. Party TV with Patrice D'Evans channel.


Pastor Patrice has since been called by the Lord Jesus Christ to preach and pastor His church. And now, in obedience, she has started and founded the church, J.O.Y. (Jesus Overcame for You) Celebration Church, and continues to obey and to share a weekly, Holy Spirit-led church service in person (posted online). And she still always shares the prayer of salvation at the end of her sermons.


In her autobiography, Resilient Joy: A Heyoka Empath's Victory Over Narcissistic Abuse and Jeleousy In Family Career and Church (available on Amazon), Pastor Patrice D'Evans shares her life story of how she became a minister and a coach. But in her most recent work, she shares how God called her to be a preacher and a pastor like her grandmother, Elizabeth Banks. Her most recent project is her TV series,


Heyoka Empath: God's Chosen Truth Seer.

(You can find this streaming now on Future Today network.)


In this six-episode documentary interview-style series, Pastor Patrice shares her compelling story of how she arrived at living out her calling from God to be a pastor who heals holistically, body, mind, and spirit using her signature belly dance therapy.


At the age of three, Pastor Patrice had a near-death experience and angel encounters that set the trajectory of her life. Born as a Heyoka empath, the rarest, most powerful spiritual empath, and natural-born psychologist, Pastor Patrice endures a tough life, including severe spiritual warfare and narcissistic abuse at the hands of her parents. Anointed by God through Jesus Christ, she continues to be resilient and joyful throughout her life and ultimately lives out what she was born to be – a chosen preacher and pastor.


Pastor Patrice has inspired many people with her story of living as a truth seer and obeying God. Through her healing gift from God, she has been used to save many lives.  Pastor Patrice was even used by God to heal many women to conceive. Pastor Patrice shares how she even heals herself as a Heyoka Empath, which is quite rare.


In her TV series, Heyoka Empath: God’s Chosen Truth Seer, and before our eyes in real-time, Pastor Patrice demonstrates how she learns new epiphanies about her life story and shows us how she heals herself from traumatic times in her childhood. She bravely returns to understand what happened.


This series is a heartwarming story that is inspiring and educational.

You'll leave feeling uplifted and hopeful.

Contact Us 
 Join us weekly for song and dance worship and service. 

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